bottom drawer challenge results
I have not done proper groceries in about 3 weeks. Why? Challenge. Bottom drawer challenge. I want to eat what I already have,  so I have been buying only what I need for the challenge. I am loving it!

Last week, I looked into the fridge  and my heart sank. After making soup for three weeks I was out of everything, even onion… I had radishes and potatoes and little else. But then, a flash of genius. The heavens parted. Cherubs fluttered down holding gilded harps. I remembered a post on Pinterest about roasted radishes (here) and decided to go on an adventure.

I am not a lover of radishes, but as for many foods these days, I am teaching myself to like them. Here's the thing though, people. Roasting radishes turns them into a sweet juicy piece of heaven. I promise, this is worth trying.


  • a bag of radishes, rinsed and pared
  • an equal amount of small yellow potatoes, rinsed and pared
  • a splash of olive oil
  • fresh garlic, minced
  • herbs and spices to taste


So this is what I did:
I put the radishes and potatoes in a bowl. 
Then I added the garlic and spices that I was in the mood for (in this case: caraway seeds, black peppercorn, a touch of cumin seeds and salt).
I mixed it all up with a splash of olive oil and then poured everything into a pyrex. 
The important part here is not to over crowd the pan so the radishes and potatoes can get that nice roasted colour and texture.
I roasted at 350 F for… well I can't say how long because I didn't check. I just used intuition: I roasted them until I could pierce them easily with a fork, and the colour was delightful.

In the future, I would serve this as a side dish with fowl.
Post by: Andi

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